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My musical journey begins in my hometown of Franklin, MI, with a Nintendo Wii and a copy of the 2009 rhythm game LEGO Rock Band. My 9-year-old Top 40 worldview is immediately shattered by the likes of Blink 182 and Sum 41 and other bands with numbers in their name, and it is immediately necessary that I know how to do everything happening in these songs. After months of begging my parents for drums, which are apparently "way too loud" and "a big commitment to stick with" and "where would we even put them", we compromise on guitar.


From there on out, it was a whole lot of music all the time. I would turn to Tumblr for bands like bands I liked and then drag my Grandma to the local F.Y.E to dig through bargain bin CDs as if it wasn't born in the year 2000 with full access to iTunes. I started playing in after school cover bands (Shout out Detroit School of Rock and Pop) and gigging at local venues that were kind enough to let a bunch of pre-teens play Sweet Child O' Mine very okay-ish. By middle school I had finally won the never-dropped requests for drums (vindication!) and picked up bass a few years after that- all in the pursuit of being able to fully realize the songs I was always hearing in my head. I would come home from school and immediately head to the basement, trying to MacGyver whatever gear I had access to into a semi-functional studio until the next holiday rolled around and I could ask for a microphone that wasn't the USB one from Rock Band taped to the wall. 

Now I'm in New York, where I do mostly the same stuff but I'm a little bit better at it and I have a lot of friends to help me out. I write songs, usually falling under "Rock" or "Pop" or any sub/fusion genre there within. I also make music for video games (a new and exciting passion), and I play guitar/drums/bass (or banjo! I'm working on it!) for anyone who recruits me to the studio or the stage. And I still play LEGO Rock Band, which I maintain is one of the greatest games ever made. You get to play a festival on the moon.


I'm always looking for new projects and collaborations! Connect with me here:

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